Such a sweet girl

Carlie is such a good baby! She spends most of her time sleeping, but she just hardly ever cries. She's great at night and only wakes up about three times. She has this cute little look when she's awake, like she's happy even though she's not smiling yet. We can't get enough of her.


Lyndzi said…
Oh, what a sweet little lady. I love that pic, she looks very happy. Can't wait to meet her. :)
Liz said…
She is BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to hold her tomorrow.
Mosers said…
I love the hair bow! I think it is a third baby thing...Peyton is excellent for us!
Wish I could come and see you and catch up on life with you!
Heidi White Moser :)
Sarah Jean said…
She is so beautiful! Can't wait to see her. You sound like you are managing really well. Nice work!
Carolyn said…
What a sweetheart! I can't wait to meet her (whenever that will be) and I'm glad you are all doing well!
Coombs Family said…
Awe, so sweet! We will see you tomorrow! I'll call you when we're on our way, k?
Tiffany said…
So cute! I love your new blog header! Your kids are so adorable, but you already know that! I hope things are going well for you. We (Jeanette, Brenda) are planning lunch at my house next week if you are feeling like you want to get out yet. Let me know. Later cheese curds!
Anonymous said…
Your kids are sooo cute and I love all the hair bows!!!

I also wanted to let you know that we have a new blog address, it just made things more organized for me. It is Just wanted to let you know!!

Thanks Ben and Amber Sessions
Paige said…
Hey, congratulations of Carlie! She is just the cutest thing! I am sure you love having a baby around & seem to be handling it all great! I also liked your post about voting next month. I totally agree with what you said, I think in the beginning I might have actually forwarded one of those anti-Obama forwards before really looking into it. Although I probably won't vote for him, I don't think he is a bad person. They both have good & bad about them & it's up to us to really look into each one before voting, just like you said. Anyway, your family is beautiful, I love looking at your blog, especially all the baby pics!
JamieD said…
April- Congratulations! She is such a beautiful baby- how could she be anything but-she was born into a beautiful family. Your blog is darling. Sabrina is my ward list too, but I'm going to like you to my blog so I can show Ellie her friend Cadence. Congrats again! Please let me know if you need anything. We're so excited to get to know you better and love being your neighbors!
Jamie and Bryan

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