Our Trick-or-Treaters

I realize they are my kids, but you should click on them and look at them big. They are so cute!

Carlie's dress is from Kmart! It said it was for a child age 4-6. Yah right. It's big on Carlie, we tied it in the back, but I can't imagine any mother putting their 4-6 year old in this dress. It was a last minute pick and I thought it was going to be kind of dumb, but it turned out really cute!
Zack's costume is a non-skillfully home made garb with Mickey Mouse ears from Disneyland. He's Wizard Mickey, since he may possibly be Mickey Mouse's biggest fan ever.
Cadence's dress is from Disneyshopping.com. She got it at Easter time and wore it when we went on our Disney Cruise. If they had it in my size, I would be Aurora for Halloween too! (not really.) Last year she was Cinderella and she became pretty tight with her. If you ask her if she's Aurora, she'll tell you she's Cinderella pretending to be Aurora.

I took the pictures on our kitchen table. :)


Mosers said…
These are awesome... I love Zac's costume, and the girls look beautiful! We just had family pics taken and I can't wait to get them back
Who did the pictures? They did a great job. It helps that they have gorgeous kids to work with though. They all look so precious.
Amber said…
VERY cute kids, April! Little Carlie is such an angel. I still can't believe you have THREE!
Bill & Jen said…
Those are adorable!!! I can't wait for Madisen to cooperate while taking pictures....age 2 is not the greatest for that....well for her anyway! Who took them...I love them!

...I do have your # still, but my screen on my cell is all screwy..so I can't read it....call me! 208-536-2285.
Lyndzi said…
I know I already told you on Facebook but who doesn't love a comment about their kids? You're are so cute! Where did you get their costumes?
Tiffany said…
Those are so adorable! Where did you go for the pics? And where did you get their costumes? So cute!
Anonymous said…
Ohhhh how cute!!!
Brenda said…
They are so CUTE - your kids are ADORABLE!! Are you going to put pics up of your costume?
Natalie said…
ADORABLE APRIL! Hopefully its warmer there than here though, or your kids will freeze! Enjoy them while they are little...we are battling Colton on the bleeding face scream costume....Natalie
The Dummers said…
Those are so cute! I love Cadence's costume! She has such a princess like look on her face! So cute!
Sarah Jean said…
So cute! Your kids are perfect. I am glad I got to see them all dressed up.
Liz said…
You are so talented! They turned out so cute, and don't kid yourself, you would TOTALLY dress up as Aurora.
Your kids are all so cute! It's fun to be able to catch up with what your family has been up to.
Rose said…
You family is so cute! I was just looking at the pictures of Cadance and Sarah! Wow time has flown!! miss you guys alot! Cograts on the new baby! (sorry way late I know!)
Tiffany said…
hi april. i found your blog through michelle ogle's. this is heather beckstrand's sister tiffany. your kids are so cute... similar to my kids ages. hope you're doing well!

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