Do you even remember me?

I'm super far behind on my blog, so this should be interesting.  Will I stick with it?  Probably. . . or not.  But I hope because I have too much to be thankful for to keep it all to myself.  So, this is an update since last OCTOBER when I last posted an entry here.  No picture for now.  No time!

About us as of late-ish. . .   
JJ-  He's 35 and he goes to work everyday.  He has crappy knees.  But he is a gem.  He's a hard worker and a marvelous dad. He moved us into a new house that we love in April.  We are still close to our old neighborhood and get to see old friends a lot.  It's great.  
April-  That's me.  I  am a headless chicken.  But not right now because I have two kids napping, one at a friend's house, and one at school.  That is why I am blogging!  I am taking classes online to earn my elementary ed degree so I can start a preschool next fall.  I'm pretty excited about that.  Pretty awesome.  I hate math and I'm not good at it.  I'm sort of feeling good about myself, like that I finally have things together enough to have a little free time, which is good since the 2012 Nielsen will be released this January.  It's a boy!  I'm fat but as always, I have no room to complain about being pregnant.  In all five, I have never barfed because of the pregnancy.  Not many can say that!  
Cadence-  She is shy and bossy and cute and fun.  Good mix if you ask me.  Her hair is getting so long and I am so jealous of it.  She doesn't seem to have grown much though.  I'm pretty sure she's going to be the shrimp of the family.  She started first grade and is learning French!  At least, I assume she's learning French since she's in the dual immersion program.  She doesn't really tell me anything about it, other than every now and then when a little french word slips out.  She is sadly and much to my dismay outgrowing dress-ups. I feel the tween years sneaking up on me faster than I would like.  At least she's still positively captivated by anything regarding princesses. Lets be clear- Disney princesses. 
Zack- is a cook.  Not someone who makes food.  He's a c-long o-k.  Like Adam's Family (Their crazy and their cookey).  He is full of wit and likes to use big words.  He's also a very big hearted little boy.  He likes to take care of his sisters - most of the time.  Example, at the 4th of july parade Zack was picking up candy and putting it in Carlie and Cadence's buckets instead of his own.  We thought it was really sweet.  Once he realized that we were oohing and awwing about it , he made sure to check to see if we noticed each time he did it.  Still cute though.  He's in Amy's preschool and he loves it.  He's getting to be a good reader and likes to spit out math sentences to me.  And his blue eyes still get me all the time.  
Carlie-  She's two in so many ways.  She's really lucky that she's adorable because that alone has saved her more than once.  Well, actually the two's are starting to wear off her.  She is the master of puppy dog eyes and her smile and laugh are just cute. She is as much of a girly girl as her older sister and spends every allowable second in a dress-up.  She loves to sing and dance and boss.  (Yes, there is a trend with the Nielsen girls.)  Her hair is getting really long too, and the longer it gets, the more I confuse my girls with each other.  She has always been a good talker, but she is really starting to sound like a big kid!  It makes me laugh the way that she uses complete sentences with (typically) correct grammar.  Yesterday we were playing with water balloons and JJ told her not to throw one at him because it would make him sick.  A little later JJ's dad grabbed one and was about to nail him when Carlie yelled, "NO!  Not my dad!  He will get sick!"  Ha ha!  
Cooper- may never walk, but man is he CUTE!  He's got so many noises and he' so LOUD!  He can take all the other kids in a screaming match.  He has two looks that he knows are hilarious.  The first is the stink-eye.  Just when you least expect it, you might glance over at Cooper to find his big brown eyes burning a hole into your eyes from underneath is furrowed eyebrows.  And then he laughs.  And then he does it again.  He also likes to display his super baby strength by flexing every muscle in his body, including the muscles in his face.  It's so fun.  If you haven't seen it, you really are missing out.   While he actually is making very slight attempts to walk, he definitely prefers to crawl.  He's got two weeks to get his feet going because I need him to walk to Mickey Mouse!  Yep, Disneyland is just around the corner!   

You know, this really didn't take me that long.  I should do this more often.  Now I have to go clean out my car.


Katie said…
Great post! I think I need to post a general update on everyone like this. Way to go super mom! You're expecting your 5th and (shhhh) so am I! Clint's family won't know until Thsanksgiving so I have to keep it hush hush in the cyber world.
Carolyn said…
I loved reading the updates about your cute family. I am so excited that baby #5 is on HIS way! Congratulations. All of your children are adorable and I can't wait to see your next little guy!
Liz Starley said…
It's great to see you back on here! I didn't know you were planning on opening a preschool, that is really neat. I'd like to hear more about it. I'd also like to hear about Zack's and "math sentences". I've done okay teaching reading, but I have no idea how to introduce math to the kids.

I look forward to a post about Stockton when things come down. :)

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