It's a Girl!

You may not know that we're expecting, but we are, and we're having a girl! She's due on October 17th, and we're so excited! Cadence told us all along she was a girl, and she was right. Her ultrasound pictures are hanging on the fridge, and everyday Cadence points them out and says, "Look, it's baby sister haw!" Once again, I'm having an all too easy pregnancy, so yay for me!
Three kids! Wow, we're old!


Brenda said…
Tiffany said…
Congratulations on another girl! You lucky duck! I would have lots of kids if I had pregnancies like you! Your Disney cruise looks like it was a lot of fun! You're always so cute, pregnant or not!
Carolyn said…
Congratulations, April! That is so exciting to hear that you're having a girl! I love your blog -- I'm sure I'll check it regularly. :)
Liz said…
Congrats! I'm so excited for you. You really are the queen of pregnancy. Can't wait to see you again. Maybe we can watch game 6 together. Let me know what you think.
Congratulations on having a girl! That is so fun! :) If you want to have her October 13 - I hear it's a good day to be born. :)
Congratulations on baby girl. This will be fun to see your family!
Amber said…
Congrats on the blog and the baby! You and JJ really are machines! Hope everything continues to go well. We should get together soon!

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