My Day

I get my own special day for having the greatest job in the whole world! I had a perfect Mother's Day and loved extra hugs, kisses, and help.

We went to Temple Square after church and a two hour family nap. The flowers were gorgeous and the kids looked cute, but they were just a little too goofy to get anything spectacular. We still got a few cute ones though.

Zack is always the hardest to get pictures of. Out of the 80+ pictures I took, this is one of the only ones that he wasn't pulling a silly face.

So I need your opinion, which picture of the kids do you like better? Neither is super duper great, but I want to print one of them.

I sometimes get a little teary-eyed when I see an ad where the kids are looking and smiling and not pulling weird faces. I know that to ever get a picture like that, it would take hundreds and hundreds of photos and hundreds and hundreds of hours of editing, although I'm pretty sure the most skilled of photo editors would agree that working with my turkeys would be a lost cause. (Even though I do think they are pretty cute.)


Shannon said…
I like the top one the best. I love how Carlie is the epitome of a two-year old in it.She is absolutely adorable, as are the other two.
I like the second picture better of all of them! They're both really cute. I think it looks better than you think it does. All of them are really cute.
Liz said…
Your kids always look so cute in pictures. I think Cadence is going to be a Disney Princess at Disney World, because she already has the smile and head slant down. I like the 2nd picture as well. Happy Mother's Day!!!
Heather Strong said…
Oh they are such cute pictures! I love them both, Your kids are so cute.
Carolyn said…
I love the pictures! I had to laugh when I read what you wrote about taking 80 pictures to get one good one. It's the same way in our house, too! I like the first picture the best, but they are both adorable.

Your kids are beautiful! I'm glad you had a good mother's day.
Lyndzi said…
I say pic #2. Oh the joys of taking pics of kids. I thought I might actually hurt Kamden last night taking his 3 years old pics. I'm so glad you had a happy mother's day nap? what's that. That would be so fabulous and make any mom's day spectacular!
Such cute kiddos.
balesfamily said…
Oh April, your children are precious! I am glad I am not the only one who can't get a good picture of my little ones. I love both :)

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