Baby Gaga

Carlie always asks for music. Her high chair is right by the ipod player, and she will stand up and turn it on herself if I don't get to it soon enough. She has her favorite songs, and Poker Face is close to the top. I'm just glad Small World is up there too, to balance it out and make me feel like a little better mother.


Carolyn said…
That's hilarious. And reading this made me feel better...Lainey loves a few of Lady Gaga's songs too and I was wondering if I was a bad mother for letting her listen to them on the radio...

Lainey sings, "Just bam, gonna be okay, da da doo doo..."

Carlie is precious!
April and JJ said…
That's so funny! My kids have no idea what the words mean, and no idea what Lady Gaga actually looks like, so I feel safe, for now. :)
Natalie said…
That is so dang cute! You will be glad you have this to look back on and show her someday.
Liz said…
That is so adorable! I need to let my kids listen to more "fun" music. :-) I'm stingy. ;-)

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