She's just too cute to be mad at when she gets into my purse and finds my lip glosss. . . Here's some information about Cadence that may help you get to know her personality a little bit- If she has her choice between a pink, green, or blue plate, she'll choose pink. If she has her choice between a green, blue, or yellow plate, she'll choose pink. If it isn't pink, it must be Zack's. One day I found her toenails painted pink, and quite nicely, I might add. Luckily, she'd done her pedicure on the kitchen floor and not the carpet. I noticed about an hour later that she'd also painted Zack's toenails. Cadence notices people's shoes, earrings, purses, and outfits, and is always very quick to offer a complement on them. My favorite is when she says, "Cute shirt dad!" to JJ. She's always very sincere. As mentioned in a previous post, she loves to change her clothes. We had to hide all her swimsuits because she was going through four ...