
Showing posts from March, 2010

The Happy Ending

After a year of showing the house and never actually selling it, we have decided to call it quits. We are too stubborn to lower the price and we are sick of leaving our house so that strangers can come look at it and not buy it. We made the startling discovery that we have no good reason for moving right now anyway. We would love to be in a bigger place, but we actually fit quite well. We are having another boy, which means bedrooms are no problem. JJ's job is just 7 minutes away, and we live in a great little neighborhood. And we have a whole list of things that we have always wanted to do to our house, and now we're actually going to do them! To my dear neighbors. . . you are welcome. Not for the gift of our continued presence, but for the fall of the big red cross that uglied up the street. It was one big sign. In fact, I have never seen one so huge, or conspicuous. I'm pretty sure it was visible from space, but apparently no aliens were in the market. Look at him haul t...

Great Deal on Toy Story 1 & 2 Combo packs

Okay, if you haven't already heard about this screaming deal, you have to get to Target! I just bought Toy Story 1 & 2 combo packs for $18!!! If you have a Disney Movie Rewards account, log in and enter the UPC from your old VHS or DVD copy of each movie in the code field on the right hand side. When you do, it will pull up a $10 off coupon for you to print. Be sure to get both of them. Target's price per combo pack is $22.99, so that brings the price to $11.99. Then when you buy them both at Target, you automatically get another $10 off! Sweet deal huh? But that's not all!!! Each DVD has a movie ticket worth $8.50 for Toy Story 3, which, of course, we must all go see in the theater. If you take that into account, I just bought two Blu Ray's for $1! Enjoy the deal! p.s. If you don't already have an account with Disney Movie Rewards, you really should. The website is

26 Weeks!

I'm starting to think bending over is overrated. I'm just thankful for my monkey toes which aid me in picking up the little toys and do-dads that cover the floor of a house where a 4, 3, and 1 year old reside. I have also decided that shirts that meet my pants line, and pants that button, are overrated as well. (But I'm still considering doing some shopping.) Other things. . . oh yes! Legs that look good in shorts. Unnecessary. A full night's sleep without 3 + trips to the bathroom. Boring. But, in the midst of all these little joys of pregnancy, I get to feel our little guy swimming around and hiccuping. How cool is that? I also get to hear Zack and Cadence tell me everyday that my baby is so cute, or that they love him, or tell me that he is so nice. Yesterday morning Cadence woke up and asked me if the baby was here yet. Zack is looking forward to sharing bunk beds with his bro. It's all good stuff, and I'm getting pretty excited to meet him in ...

Cookies, Princess Style

Cadence has been begging me for Jasmine hair, so after church she took out her braids and informed me it was time. This was apparently necessary to do before we began making cookies. She wanted me to have Cinderella hair, but she settled for me wearing a red headband and a skirt and calling myself Snow White. (You'll just have to imagine it, and I'll continue to be thankful that I was running the camera.) Next she was ready to help me add all the ingredients. (She was also ready to eat all the ingredients.) . And all in the land were grateful for the princesses delicious chocolate chip cookies. Especially this one. The End.


We spent the day of the 6th driving around Kaysville dreaming of the houses we will never have because no one will buy our house. It was super duper fun, but the kids were bored. B-O-R-E-D. So we took them to Boondocks. Fun place to go, as long as you are prepared to burn a hole through your pocket. Still, it was a lot more fun than Chuck-E-Cheese. That's Zack. He was trying to keep up with Cadence. Carlie loved the bouncy floor. It was really funny. She didn't care about climbing through the rest of the thing. Yes, both of those great big kids are mine. I'm pretty sure the kid next to Cadence is getting a lump of coal for Christmas. He was a naughty boy! We told Carlie her wristband was pretty, which kept her from going crazy trying to get it off. This picture scares me. Not because of the booger nose, but because he looks so old! I think everyone should have one of these bouncy thingys in their house. So does Carlie. The kid bowling was pretty cute, even though t...