Cooper is here!!!

And never mind that he is sitting up on my lap playing with a chew toy. He's just such a fun little boy that all my free time goes to playing with him (and not blogging)! Since he is nearly four months old and I haven't had a single post about him, this entire entry is dedicated to our favorite baby in the world.

Cooper's Creed
I will only have blowouts when it's convenient for mom, like when she's blogging.
I will sleep really well through the night, but only after I do one or two fakeouts.
I will keep you guessing about my eye color for at least 3 and 3/4 months.
I will grow like a weed.
I will be the size of a nine month old when I'm three months old.
I will not barf too much.
I will give a big adorable smile to anyone who looks in my direction.
I may scream at the top of my lungs if I feel that someone should be looking at me, but as soon as I get some attention, I will coo and kick my feet.
I will be a snuggle bug.
Instead of laughing I will hold my breath until my face turns red, but I'll still give great big smiles.
I will love to be hung upside down by my thighs.
I will not take a binki. I will not take a binki.
If you try to make me take a binki, I will smile at you and then pop it out. The arch thereof shall be great.
I will be adorable.
I will make you fall instantly in love with me.

That pretty much sums up our sweet little Cooper. (If you have a weak stomach and a low tolerance for gooey, you may want to stop reading here.) Holding him feels like holding an angel. Whenever he snuggles up with me, Cadence will say, "Ohhh! He sure does love you, haw mom!" That's exactly how I feel too! It's funny to think that a baby who is so young could be so good at letting me know I'm loved. I'm pretty sure he knows how much we love him too.
Cadence Zack and Carlie seem to have a special bond with him and tell me daily (sometimes hourly) how cute he is. They are all good helpers and are great at making him happy when I have to be doing other things. I love them all!!!


Mosers said…
He is adorably cute!!! Love the dark hair! Congrats again.. even thought it's been a few months! :)
Carolyn said…
I'm so glad Cooper is here! He is adorable, although it does not surprise me at all because ALL of your children are absolutely beautiful. It sounds like he is such a sweet baby!

He is very cute. Congratulations! :)
The Dummers said…
What a cute little guy! Congratulations!!
Tiffany said…
He's such a cutie! It's amazing that all babies are so similar and yet incredibly different too. Some of the things you wrote remind me of my baby. Mine won't snuggle with me anymore though. :( I was hoping that one of my kids would snuggle, but maybe I'll just have to wait for #3. :) Congrats!
Liz said…
What a sweet post! I can't wait to see your "little" guy again. :-)

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