Here Comes Peter Cottontail!

There's nothing like waking up on Easter morning to a blanket of fresh, white snow. Good thing we had conference, because our little bunnies would have looked silly tromping through the snow in their strappy sandals.

This is Easter Eve. Some people color eggs earlier than 7:30 the night before, but not us.

I'm so glad Cadence insisted on the socks. They really look fabulous.

Here they come!

It really was mean of us to make her wait until Easter to get The Princess and the Frog. She'd been begging for it since it was released in March. But she was super happy.

Carlie was super happy with her candy.

And Zack was super happy with his shirt. Actually, he was super happy about getting Toy Story on Blu-ray. I just missed that moment.

Click on this one. Zack has figured out how to cross his eyes, and it's pretty funny. However, it's getting hard to take a serious picture of him.

The Sunday after Easter was perfect weather for their new duds. Aren't they cute?
There were two little girls with the same dress as Carlie. When we walked out of the chapel and she spotted another little purple dress, she pointed at her and yelled, "NOOO MINE!!!!!!!!" It made me laugh a little.

We were late with our FHE, but we had a lesson on the atonement a few nights before Easter. This is a subject I had avoided. I just thought it was a lot for a little kid to take in, but we did it. I taught them the basics of Easter, and I was overwhelmed by how strong the spirit was. They listened so intently and took it all in. I love those little moments when the spirit testifies that everything I believe is true.
We went to the Logan Temple the following Thursday and my dad was sealed to his parents. It was a great experience. When I explained to Cadence and Zack that we were going to the temple so Grandpa could be with his mom and dad when he died, I was happy they made the connection between eternal families and the atonement from the FHE lesson we had. I guess they understand more than I think they do. Probably a lot more than I do.


Joanna McGuire said…
Your kids are seriously so adorable, I love their faces, priceless. Don't you love how we had snow on easter, so much fun.
Holy cuteness! I love Carlie's hair and Zack's crossed-eyes, and Cadence is always just so pretty. That's awesome that they were able to learn about the atonement! I guess it's never too young even if they don't completely understand everything.
Carolyn said…
Wow, it sounds like you guys had a fun Easter! I love your girls' dresses. We got the purple one for both of our girls! It was a popular choice this year.

Your kids are all beautiful! And I love Cadence's's too cute.
Coombs Family said…
Well Mr. Zacky is turning into one handsome lil' monkey! Love the cross-eys and Cadence's socks. Fun! Fun! And awesome about your dad and the sealing, it's an amazing blessing!
What a neat Easter and how exciting for your dad :)

Your kids are so dang cute! I love their Easter outfits!
balesfamily said…
April, you are amazing! Your family is precious. Looks like a lot of fun.
Heather Strong said…
That is so great that you have FHE! When I was in Primary, I could always tell which kids had regular FHE held in their home, and which did not, like within the first week. It is amazing how much more the FHE kids know. We never think they are listening, I mean, I am pretty sure my primary kids never listened ha ha, but maybe they did! Just maybe!
Katherine said…
You are such a good mom! You kids looked adorable in their easter clothes and SO happy about their baskets.

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