Christmas Card

I actually have begun to feel some remorse for my behavior with my siblings whenever it came time for a family picture. I had it coming I guess, our Christmas card is a product of over sixty pictures and about five hours on photoshop.

This is a non-winner.

as is this.


Mosers said…
In 10 years those last 2 pictures will be your favorite!!!
Anonymous said…
hey! You left a comment about my digi scrapping stuff and actually I find a ton of free stuff on the internet to use. If you scroll down on my blog, you can find where I got the stuff for my background and header but one of my favorite places to find scrapping stuff is Hope that helps. I wish I knew how to make my own bows and stuff, I am still learning but I know you can buy commercial use templates and stuff and then make your own. Again your kids are the cutest!
Katie said…
I loved your Christmas card. It was well worth the 60 pictures and hours of photoshop. You did such a great job. I also really like the last 2 pictures. What fun kids can be.
Coombs Family said…
I think my fave is the one where Miss Cadence has her hands over Miss Carlie's face and Zach is just sitting there so sweet! Your kids are so stinkin' cute!
Ally said…
i LOVE those pictures. your kiddos are beautiful!!
Tiffany said…
Those pics are adorable and hysterical!

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