Who Loves Camping?!

I do. And Cadence and Zack really do. JJ. . . well, he's not as big on it. But we still had so much fun spending the weekend up Logan Canyon with my family. We stayed Friday and Saturday night and came back Sunday. Our campsite was right along the river edge, and the kids had so much fun playing in the ice cold water. Here are some of my favorite pictures. . .


Team Box! said…
How did I not know you had a blog??? sad that we haven't seen eachother for days and days and your 2 houses down! I like Carly btw, spelling the name different always makes it harder for the child when their older correcting people all the time.
Tiffany said…
That picture of the girls is so cute! Are they making pretzel stew?!! So cool! Brings me back to the old days...
Carolyn said…
I love the pictures! Those girls are too cute. I love camping too, but I have never gone with Lainey. I'm sure it's much harder with kids, right? You're superwoman! :)
What yummy soup their making. Is that what you had for your dinner night?

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