Welcome to the Nielsen family Blog! (We really jumped on the bandwagon with this one.) We have a lot to be thankful for, and topping our list are our two little sweetie pies, Cadence and Zack.
It's about time. :) I'm so happy you're a blogger now. It'll be so fun to see all the cute pictures of your family and learn what you're doing. Happy Blogging!
You may not know that we're expecting, but we are, and we're having a girl! She's due on October 17th, and we're so excited! Cadence told us all along she was a girl, and she was right. Her ultrasound pictures are hanging on the fridge, and everyday Cadence points them out and says, "Look, it's baby sister haw!" Once again, I'm having an all too easy pregnancy, so yay for me! Three kids! Wow, we're old!
Three kids is no sweat! I know it may have something to do with JJ taking work off and my mom staying to help us, but hey! Carlie is just as sweet as can be, and both Cadence and Zack have been very pleasant since she's been home. They say your kids may act out with a new baby, but these two have been so good! They've been very happy for the last few days and are both good helpers with the baby. This little girl sure is loved!
I realize they are my kids, but you should click on them and look at them big. They are so cute! Carlie's dress is from Kmart! It said it was for a child age 4-6. Yah right. It's big on Carlie, we tied it in the back, but I can't imagine any mother putting their 4-6 year old in this dress. It was a last minute pick and I thought it was going to be kind of dumb, but it turned out really cute! Zack's costume is a non-skillfully home made garb with Mickey Mouse ears from Disneyland. He's Wizard Mickey, since he may possibly be Mickey Mouse's biggest fan ever. Cadence's dress is from Disneyshopping.com. She got it at Easter time and wore it when we went on our Disney Cruise. If they had it in my size, I would be Aurora for Halloween too! (not really.) Last year she was Cinderella and she became pretty tight with her. If you ask her if she's Aurora, she'll tell you she's Cinderella pretending to be Aurora. I took the pictures on our kitc...