What's better than three kids under 4 in a van for 12 hours? Well, a lot really. But I'll tell you what's not better is trying to go through security with three kids, two strollers, and a car seat (plus other assorted crap that you have to carry on with you to keep the kids occupied). So, all things considered, driving was better than flying. The best part was that we didn't tell the kids where we were going, and we were in St. George before either one of them even became curious. JJ told them we were going to a hotel, which seemed to completely appease Cadence. Zack continued to ask where we were going for the next five hours. When we got to Harbor Blvd it was dark outside, but we could still see a few familiar reminders that we were near the happiest place on earth. I'm pretty sure Zack knew where we were and I could swear I heard him say Disneyland when he saw the entrance. They both said they could see Mickey Mouse, but it didn't seem to turn on any l...